Birthday Music Project Days 2, 3 & 4

I have some catching up to do!

Day 2:

"Your Least Favorite Song"

I thought about this one for awhile. There is this country song (now I like country, but I will admit, that as a genre, they create some of the best and definitely some of the worst songs out there!) that makes me believe the artist heard other artists gaining notoriety through their songs about dads and sons. I believe this artist said, "I'll write a song right now about a dad and his son, and I won't care if it has real meaning or even if it sounds good. I will just string together a bunch of sappy words and phrases and everyone will love it!" Wrong. I don't love it. It was horrible. I turned the station every time it came on, which is why I don't know who sang it or the name of the song.

So....I chose a runner up that actually became the front runner. Toby Keith (I think I just threw-up in my mouth a little bit) wrote a song entitled, "Stays in Mexico." I will not post all the lyrics, nor give you the option to listen to this song, and here is the reason why in just a few lines;

He woke up in the morning and he made
a little telephone call,
To check on his wife and his kids back
at home in Sioux Falls,
(spoken) hey baby everything ok?
She hopped right in the shower with a heavy heavy mind,
(spoken) What am I doing?
He knew it was the first time Gina
had ever crossed that line

Yup, this song is about two vacationers who find each other, have an affair, lie to their families and love every minute of it. Barf.

Let's move on:

Day 3:

"A song that makes you happy"

Paul Simon's 'Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes'

I did put this song on the music player at the top of this page if you'd like a listen. I don't know what it is about this song. I like the African group at the beginning, I like the slow flow of this song and how it takes a long time to get started. I like that the song is about a girl who believes in herself and is confident. I like that it doesn't make much sense so you can make it mean whatever you want.

I stole this album from my dad a long time ago and then bought my own. I am fairly certain that I gave him back his copy, but he couldn't find it so I bought another. If you want one, maybe I'll buy you one too!

Day 4:

"A song that makes you sad"

"Center Aisle" by Caedmon's Call

This song, if I remember correctly, was written after a member of the band left the funeral of a friend's sister who had committed suicide. He had been asked to come and sing at her service.

I don't think much needs to be said. Is there anything sadder than suicide?

Here - I found what Derek Webb said about this song,

In November of '95, the sister of a friend of mine from high school
committed suicide. Having never been to a funeral, I was very
apprehensive, especially since I had been asked to play a song during
the service. Seeing her in that room along with all of those people who
loved her and cared about her really made me think. I mainly wondered
if whatever it was that had driven her to that point could have been
worked out in that quiet room with that group of people. I suppose
questions just lead to more questions. I wrote this song on the way
back home in the car. (Derek Webb)

I like the challenge he suggests - that maybe whatever it was 
that had driven her to that point could have been worked out with all
those in attendance at her funeral. I listened to this song one day and decided 
to call my granddad. I knew he had been sad and this song made me think maybe 
he just needed to know someone cared and loved him. I felt like God used 
this song to prompt my heart. God used this girl's life to make a small change in mine. 
My God is like that. 


  1. I RIDICULOUSLY loved the Paul Simon song, and am interested to hear the Caedmon's Call song. You are always so interesting :)

  2. I am going to listen to that song right this second. I don't think I have ever heard it.


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