The Animals spin round and round...

Norah has this little farm toy that I recently retired to the basement. It sings:

"The animals spin round and round
Vegetables go up and down
The animals have lots to say, all through the day...."

Or something like that.

It is a bit of a frantic toy. The animals really do spin around and the song is loud and fast. I have that song running through my head I think because I feel frantic. I feel like:

"Michelle is spinning round and round
Things to do all over town
All good things yet she must say, Just get through the day!"

I just started making a huge list. Lists help.

The thing is, everything I have to do is good. I am excited about this summer, yet at the same time, I am already craving the calm fall will bring for me. I am reading blogs about the slow days of summer knowing that I will have to carefully weave in some of those days for me and my family.

My brother and my sister-in-law just left this morning ...

...and their departure signaled that it is time to start concentrating on VBS which I am co-directing with a friend the first week of July. We expect 80 kids and those kids are expecting the same amount of amazing fun they have had the past few years at our church. The past VBS director was awesome. She is calm and organized and always has a kind answer. I am a little afraid that I won't be able to deliver, but, I know that isn't my job.

Once VSB is over, I have a month until Thailand! I am not even prepared to post about Thailand right now. That will have to come later.

In the meantime, I really want to do all my daily tasks well. I kind of feel that I have been just skimming by recently. Here are the things I am craving:

-More exercise
I did just ride my bike to an outdoor gym in town. 1 hour of exercise - Check!

-Intentional picnics and dinners with friends and family
Summer is short. Enough said!

-More blogging
I really love reading blogs and writing is so therapeutic. I have things to say people!

-More reading!
I just finished On the Corner of Bitter and Sweet It took awhile to get into, but so good!

-A strong end to my year of English tutoring
I have been tutoring Afgani, Columbian, Korean, and Sudanese ladies all year and need to give them my all until our break in July.

-A clean, organized house
Ugh. Do you know what I really want? A kidless day, good music, lots of iced coffee and my cleaning supplies. Oh, and a 'feel-like-cleaning' attitude.

-A growing savings account
I really can't complain in this department. God continues to provide. Just what we need. But...having a savings would be really nice. I would love to say, "Hey mom, I bought you a ticket to come visit." Or, "Hey honey, let's go buy the materials to replace our ghetto deck this weekend." It will happen.

-A better calendar system
I have a white board calendar on our wall that I update every month. The problem is I only have 1 month at a time and I can't take my white board with me. I will say yes to a meeting at church only to forget to put it on the calendar, or it is 2 months away...I guess I could go back to a day planner. What works for you?

Well, I guess it is about time to go get started on something. Perhaps an updated white board calendar followed by a little hall closet organization and some laundry?


  1. this post makes me miss you extra. i would totally exercise with you, watch miss ott AND bring you an iced coffee. i know, that my friend michelle is amazing & between you & God...your VBS will be the greatest! love you lady.

  2. You're going to Thailand?!? That's so exciting! I can't wait to hear more about this. I love your list- I'm a list maker too! I'll be praying that you find the time to do it all while also enjoying some slow days of summer. I'll also be praying for your VBS and upcoming trip. I'm glad you're my cousin. Happy summer! :)

  3. Love reading your blog, forreal! What keeps me organized is a palm pilot. It's small enough that it can fit in the mess of my diaper backpack and I use it for keeping little notes and my grocery list. People ask why I just don't put it all on my phone, but I forsee this horrible day that Tristan takes it and drops it, or decides it should take a bath with him or something... can't loose everything in one fell swoop. :) I used to use a small planner, but my notes would get lost or lists...

  4. I just found out that you have a blog . . . and that it is entertaining and fun and realistic and fantastic!! Keep writing friend! (cause I want to keep reading!!) I spent four hours last week setting us up with a calendar system. I now have four in our family . . . sounds a little crazy but it works. I have a main calendar by the phone. This is the master. I have a cute one in my purse. This one goes to appointments and friends house and every which way I go. I have a big desk calendar for Travis at work that I update with an overwhelming amount of details so he can A. keep up with family life and B. appreciate all the balls I am juggling each day!! And finally, I have a week wipe board that sticks to the fridge that cost $4 at Target. This one I update every Sunday and it helps us all look at a glance to see what's going on. Hope you've found a great system that works!! And congrats on your public service announcement about helmets on adults - I totally agree!!


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