What can I do?
I have begun to weary of the question, "Mom, what can I do?" Many times a day Norah feels it necessary to ask me to come up with a plan for her next hour. Jared says it's my own fault for having good ideas and setting the bar high. My fault or not, I'm sick of it. So....
I have two plans of attack.
"What can I do" tickets. She'll get 2 a day. They will hang on the fridge and I'll require one for every suggestion I give. When she runs out, "Oh sorry honey, you're out of tickets. I'll help you come up with an idea again tomorrow."
I've begun to create an album on my iPad that has pictures of Norah's toys and various activities. Most pictures I already had - her playing Barbie, play dough creations, building a snowman etc. Now when she needs an idea she can scroll through the photos for reminders of just how many awesome options she has!
I hope this helps - I'll let you know! Any other ideas?
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