Joy Is...

Joy is a successful grocery shopping trip with my daughter, who I might add, happily stayed in her cart seat the entire time. Joy is getting a product for free (the store had a manufacturers coupon hanging right there...totally free!), and saving $50 because I know how to shop the sales and because it is 1st Tuesday of the month save 15% day!

It is cloudy and windy and the mosquitoes weren't able to hang on when I took Norah to the park this morning.

I slept in and still had time to do some work before Norah woke up.

Joy is feeling a tiny bit guilty that today I am enjoying being a stay-at-home-mom like a vacation. You know when people say, "I love my job and I get paid for it!" Except I don't really get paid for it. Except I kinda do.


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