Made for Another World

Our Staycation is coming to an end. It was a time of pure relaxation and connection with our family of four. I still have many fun events to post from our last few days, but first I need to clear my head.

Dump Truck 
(the posts in which I have so much swimming around up there I must write it all down or explode)

* I have decided to homeschool Norah this fall. I think of all the subjects of thought in my head, the decision to homeschool or not takes up the most time. I won't go into grand detail in this post, but I have made contact with a local association that can help guide me in the process and provides TONS of opportunities for social events. Norah won't be 5 until March so she wouldn't be able to start kindergarten until fall 2014 if we sent her to school. She is however, so ready to learn in a more formal way. The HS association has no problem with us starting early. If we love this path, we continue - if not, she starts school in 2014 with no consequences. I can't imagine this working out better!

                                      *added bonus, they run a musical every year (with practices at our church!) that Norah can possibly be a part of. If you have ever met my daughter, you know this is right up her alley.

* I am really content in life right now. I have found myself deep sighing with gratitude many times this week. I am grateful for: Healthy kids, a husband who I truly enjoy, a church family I look forward to connecting with, a house that provides us with everything we need, extended family that makes life so fun, beautiful weather that allows us to be outside, veggies growing out my back door...This leads to my next thought...

*Even in the midst of such contentment, I am often painfully aware that this world is not my home. Two C.S. Lewis quotes say it better than I ever could:

"“If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”

" You say the materialist universe is “ugly.” I wonder how you discovered that! If you are really a product of a materialistic universe, how is it that you don’t feel at home there? Do fish complain of the sea for being wet? Of if they did, would that fact itself not strongly suggest that they had not always been, or would not always be, purely aquatic creatures? Notice how we are perpetually surprised at Time. (“How time flies! Fancy John being grown-up & married! I can hardly believe it!”) In heaven’s name, why? Unless, indeed, there is something in us which is not temporal."

*My Grandad is dying. Hospice has been brought to care for him. I find myself praying that God takes him quickly, but also aware that when he does breath his last, I am going to grieve a man who has been such a huge part of my life. Someone asked me awhile ago who the men were in my developing years that shaped me into the person I am now. The first name from my lips was "Grandad". He was a cheerleader, fixer, protector of the weak, goofball who I never doubted loved me with everything he had. Godspeed Grandad.


  1. Dearest Michelle... to have at least one person in your life as you've described your Grandad is to be blessed beyond words. That's how I felt about my Dad. He loved me unconditionally. What sweet photos... what sweet memories you surely have. It's hard, I know. Big hug.

  2. This is such an awkward comment because it will go from serious to not so serious. First off, I am so sorry to hear about your granddad. I have a fond memory of playing as a quartet in their home and the sweet smile on his face. There is such a loving Father to welcome him into his forever and ever home!! Secondly, congrats on the decision to home school. We re-evaluate every year what is the best decision for our girls and their education. You'll have to check our Sarah's blog if you haven't already ( as she has been homeschooling for years and has some amazing tips and tricks and ideas. It was such a joy to see you and your little man the other day. I wish it was under better circumstances but getting to spend time with that sweet little guy was so fun! Next time you're in town we'd love to take both kiddos for you so you can have some time alone with your fam and we can spend some time loving on those little Otts!


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