Joy Report

It has been too long since I have posted a list of things that are bringing me joy. I have found myself slipping back into focusing on things that bring me down. Just a taste of discontentment has me rushing back to a greater focus. So here ya go:

- My daughter is healthy and thriving. (Every time she is pushing the limits and driving me nuts, I think, "Well, at least she is healthy and developing." It's all I can do!)

-I get to have a 3 day 2 night mini-vacation with my husband this weekend. Norah is going to Nana's house for her first weekend away. Yay Yay Yay!!!! I will be sure to post details of our weekend.

-I am enjoying having my sister-in-law back in Red Deer. It's nice to have someone to drink champagne with while watching America's next Top Model and old reruns of Desperate House Wives.

-It feels like fall. I love fall. Please, please, please stay fall for awhile and don't turn into winter!

-I have been getting some major coupon deals recently. For those of you fellow Canadians, check out They do all the work of finding coupons for you. It is a bit overwhelming at first, but you can order coupons to your door. I probably save $50 - $100 a month just by using coupons when I shop.

-I am looking forward to getting back into a schedule this fall. Playgroups, library time, Bible Study etc. I like schedules.

My Happy, Healthy Little Button Pusher

Me and Aunt Janessa (Norah calls her "Ness")


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