Isn't Family Grand?

I have very little desire to write a long blog post tonight, so I will keep this short and sweet. I think family is amazing and I am so blessed to have 2 families that I love and treasure. My mom was able to come out for a few days last week and time with her is always so special. My heart hurts every time I have to say goodbye to her and every time I see tears in her eyes as she looks at Norah knowing she is missing so many of the day -to - day moments. The good news is this:

Norah Knows her Gram-Me!


Norah (and the rest of us) have so much fun with our family here in Red Deer. We spent 1/2 the day there today and our evening ended with a full participation jogging parade around the downstairs. Grandpa leading and Aunt Nessie bringing up the rear. There was lots of laughing and plenty of celebrating life. And that is why I love family # 2.


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