Time is Tickin' Away...

Oh where does the time go? I haven't blogged in almost a month. I feel like I haven't done many things in almost a month: really cleaned my house, took time to just sit and 'be', visited with friends, and the list goes on. But yet, I feel like I have been so busy! I have really been thinking about time recently. My time on Earth, the time I set aside for various activities in my day -to- day life...I often think of this quote by C.S. Lewis that I first heard in University:

"If you were really a product of a materialistic universe, how is it you don't feel at home there? Do fish complain of the sea for being wet? Or if they did, would the fact itself not strongly suggest that they had not always been, or would not always be, purely aquatic creatures? Notice how we are perpetually surprised at Time. ("How time flies! Fancy John being grown-up and married! I can hardly believe it!) In heaven's name, Why? Unless, indeed, there is something about us that is not temporal."

I have been following a blog recently about a little boy and his family as they battle his cancer (http://thematthewsstory.com/). Their story has made a big impact on my life and I have been humbled, challenged, and reminded of eternity. I have found myself thanking God that life doesn't end here. Our lives on Earth are but a moment - a vapor. Sometimes this thought makes me sad, like when I am thoroughly enjoying something or someone. But recently it has been a comfort and reminder of what I should be doing with my time.

I kind of hate the phrase, "I need to make time..." Make time? That is ridiculous. I cannot "make time" any more than I can make space or love or life. Time is a gift, a responsibility. What I need to do is ask myself, "What do you want? Why are you here? and then respond appropriately with my time. I need to stop thinking of my devotions, my time for God and serving others, as a line on my list of things to "make time for". I have done it - countless times...sandwiched "Devotions" right between "Clean bathroom" and "go grocery shopping". That just isn't sitting right with me these days...


  1. I've been thinking the same thing...why is that my devotions are always something that is skipped first along with taking care of myself. Maybe we should do a daily or bi-weekly or weekly devotion on our blogs???? :) Love & Miss you soooooooo sweet friend!

  2. You express yourself beautifully - and I agree...time is a gift, not even our right to have really. It is a good reminder :) Thank you dear Michelle!


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