
The month of November was full of blessings. I shall list them here:

-Norah pooped on the toilet (yes this takes the #1 spot!)

-My best friend Jill came for a visit (This probably should have been #1)

-Reba, the amazing sister I lived with in Mexico, came for dinner with her great new boyfriend. We approve!

-Norah has begun to interact with friends. I caught her holding hands with her friend Mimi and playing follow-the-leader with Brooke. It warms my heart.

-Christmas season is here!

-An incredibly fun and successful Christmas shopping trip with my sister Janessa


-A night of crazy fun with my junior high Sunday school girls. We played spoons and made up consequences for the loser. It was great and silly and I forgot I was a mom for awhile.

-I am beginning to consider the place another baby may have in our family. I am just warming to the idea though, so please, no staring at my belly to see if there may be a bump - there is not and won't be for some time. I am just glad the idea doesn't (always) make me want to run for the hills like it used to!

-Our small group. They are the

-The fact that I am finally comfortable enough to say things like "the" and not give 2 thoughts to how nerdy people might think I am.

-My nerdy husband who is always trying to explain financial stuff to me that makes him really excited.

-The fact that God gave me the courage to invite my neighbor to our church Christmas play.

God is good. All the time. Even when I don't "feel it" He is there. November wasn't all roses, but when I reflect, this list is what I come up with. God is good.

Loosing a round of spoons and getting my hair back-combed

Jill and Norah


  1. oh my goodness! norah has grown SO big!!
    and michelle, i think you are the :)


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