Dump Truck

I sometimes (often) have thoughts that don't line up nicely for a coherent post - I think a "Dump Truck" post will work for them. This picture / saying really does describe me and my brain:

I showed this to Jared and he was appalled. "Seriously hun?" As serious as a heart attack friend - now he understands why it is sometimes hard for me to fall asleep at night or why I wig out a little when he and the kids add tabs to my brain without trying to help themselves first.

Anyhoo, I digress. Here are a few of my tabs as of late:

* I gave away our cats. We've had these 2 for almost 6 years. I was chatting with my mom the other day and I knew she was right when she said, "Their dander can't be helping the kids' eczema." We've thrown the idea around for years; even going so far as to say if they got hit by a car it would be a favor to us (joke!). When the day actually came, I had a pretty hard time with it. I don't like the idea that I couldn't make it work for them. I adopted them and took that commitment seriously. I was prepared to care for them for 20 years.

Janey exploring Norah's new playhouse

What makes it easier is that they were adopted  out to live on a farm. They have a cozy barn to sleep in (heated in the winter) and lots of mice and bugs to chase. They will be well taken care of and our house will slowly become dander free. I have to say it has been nice to vacuum and know the hair isn't being replaced, but every time I remember they aren't here, my heart hurts a little bit. Jared and I made a vow that if they "Homeward Bound" and miraculously find their way back here, we'll keep them forever.

* My mom is coming! I miss her so, so much. Living away from my family is not ideal!

* I've been sick for a full week. I can't remember the last time I've been this sick. I got some sort of virus that made my throat feel like burning lava, my body ache and my head and chest slowly fill with nasty stuff (read boogers). Today is the first day I feel hopeful that it is going away.

* I need to find the happy place between clean and organized home and living my life without that pressing need to clean ALL THE TIME. This seems to be one of my tabs that never closes.

* I love budgeting. I love when Jared's paycheck is deposited in our bank and we sit down together and move funds around to our various accounts. Living on a commission can be exciting - definitely more fun when it's been a good month :)

* I have decided I don't want the burden of having to end each post with a closing remark or witty comment. So....


  1. Good for you...choosing your children's health over your love for your pets. You "lost" them by choice; a flat one in the middle of the road would've been hard. Our barn cats lived happy lives. One even made it to the very ripe old age of 16 or 17! So glad for both you and your mom. Enjoy one another. Glad you're feeling better.

  2. First off, love the dump truck idea . . . just might find that over on my blog sometime soon!! And secondly, I one part I hate in a blog post is the need and difficulty in how to end it. Appreciate and respect and enjoy the current ending you found. Just might have started a trend - or a tag line for yourself!!

  3. This is a little after the fact, but (Typica1) oh well, Add to that 2457 tabs open 'picture' that they are all like a big plate of spaghetti noodles - really! Piled up, looped around each other, entertwining and separating - NOW try to add another subject or duty or request! Sheesh indeed!!


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