Seven Sentences

I used to write posts that I called Seven Sentences. They always followed the same format: 

                -What I am enjoying, hearing, learning, anticipating, eating, watching, and grateful for- 

I thought about changing the title because I can get rather long winded at times and 7 sentences can easily turn into 24, but I can't think of anything better to call it. So...

Seven Sentences

I am enjoying this. Blogging. It feels good. 

I am hearing the clothes turning in the basement dryer. I never felt like I had too much laundry to do until this little boy came along. He contributes so much to the laundry pile. How do they do that?? 

I am learning that my house doesn't always have to be clean for me to relax. Well, I am trying to learn this. I know it in my head. "When your children are grown you will never wish you had done the dishes more, or swept more often. You will wish you had gotten down on the floor to play; wish you had held them while they napped." But having a messy house makes me anxious. Thoughts?

I am anticipating SPRING. PLEASE. PA-LEEEEASE. 

I am eating leftovers from the potluck that was held at my house tonight. Thanks friends for the really good food! 

I am watching my tulips come up. They started their journey a month ago and got snowed on. And then snowed on again. Jared was all Debbie Downer on me (see video), " I think they are going to die." "Your tulips look darker green then I've ever seen them; might not be good." I told him to please be encouraging. I need them to come up long enough to enjoy them before the deer eat them...again...

I'm grateful for my kids. This isn't always on the tip of my tongue. I love them always but liking them is icing on the cake. 

Speaking of kids and icing - this little girl is pretty special. 


  1. I am with you on the house thing and it such a hard balance . . . which is the key word I guess?! It's ok to want a tidy house and be able to relax and enjoy a little more - and it's also ok to let the dishes pile up for a few days and play . . . when you figure this out perfectly you let me know. I did just read a quote that I wrote out and stuck to my fridge that says, "I will hold myself to a standard of grace not perfection." It's difficult to live that everyday - but good to remember. You are a great momma and I am so glad to see this blog revived!!


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