Week Long Challenge and Help my Baby Sleep!

-Weekly Long Challenges

    I am really excited about this one! I like challenging myself to do new/hard things, but sometimes the motivation is lacking. I thought if I share my own weekly challenges here, I may be more excited to stay on track. Some of my ideas:

           -Interact with a neighbor daily (for a week)
           -Write a snail mail letter every day (and actually put them in the mail)
           -Compliment 5 people daily
           -Go Gluten free for a week
           -Leave huge tips when I go out for meals or coffee
           -Study Spanish every day
           -Eat super healthy ( remember it's only a week :)
           -Donate or throw away 10 items every day
           -Go Vegan for a week
           -Choose a few things from my pinterest boards and do them!

This week Jared and I are going to attempt to stop mindless snacking at night! By the time we get the kiddos in bed, we have an hour or 2 to veg and unfortunately veggies are not really a part of it...I have to be realistic and know a snack is in order (I can't imagine feeding the little gipper as many times as I do at night without something in my stomach *), but one snack should be good. I'll let you know how it goes!

  * Now to address this issue: How many times I feed my son at night! I need help. Here's how it goes:

8:00 - Joshua is bathed, fed and put down for the night
9:30 - He wakes up and we put his pacifier back in, he falls asleep
10:30 - He wakes up again and I feed him before I go to bed.
12- wake and feed
1:30 - wake and feed
2:30 - wake and put back to sleep (sometimes takes 15 minutes)
3:30 - wake and feed
5:30 - wake and feed
8- wake for the day

As you can see, this isn't working. Something to remember is that he has eczema and has to be swaddled or he scratches his face raw. We can't really let him cry for too long or he wiggles free and gets scratching. I don't mind the idea of co-sleeping, but until about 5 in the morning, that doesn't seem to work well. He just fidgets constantly and I get no sleep. Any tips???

He is SO LUCKY that he is cute. When I wake for the last time of the morning, he usually grins like this. And then , even though in the middle of the night I am tempted to sell him, I fall in love again. Little turd. 



  1. Love your hard challenges! I'm right there in the trenches with you on the sleep thing! Maggie does the 7 pm bedtime and is awake about 7 am but wakes up at least every two hours, sometimes every hour from 11-6 or so. It is exhausting! I've tried feeding more in the day, started solids, and letting her cry (not fuss but actually cry) isn't an option for us at this age. Otherwise she is an "easy" baby but I'm a better mom/wife/person when I have a good night's sleep! Will be checking back for other people's comments...

  2. Oh I love your challenges, Michelle! I may join you in some of those challenges! Yesterday, at our church, the sermon was about having meaningful conversations, especially with people that may make us feel a little uncomfortable, the way that Jesus did & I felt lead to put myself out there to talk to a neighbor that I don't engage with (mainly, because we've had to call the police on them a few times for wild parties), but whom I see everyday at our kids school. Praying that God will give me the courage to talk with her, this week when I see her.

    You know I struggled with Markus, in the sleep department (till he was 3), I wish that I had some sort of cure all, I tried eveything. I just prayed and cried. The only thing that I wish I would've checked into further, was food allergies. I truly thought that he had a dairy allergy (he was on formula), but the doctor dismissed the idea numerous times. I should've insisted on him being tested. Now that I've taken him off of dairy, he is a much happier, less stinky & poopy boy! Praying you find relief in this soon & you will come up with a happy solution for you & Mr. cuteness. Love you & miss you, dear friend.

  3. One of my favorite parenting books of all time - "Healthy Sleep Habits - Happy Baby" (which is obviously not a problem with that blasted adorable little face!!) Anyway, Hannah was a tricky sleeper, constant eater and we felt like we wanted to jump off the deck after 6 months of this joy!! My pediatrician recommended this book and I loved it!!! I'll be praying for some good sleep!


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