Seven Sentences

I am enjoying: a change in my thinking that I will write more about soon....

I am hearing: the cat purr as he sleeps on Jared's lap.

I am learning: a lot from a book given to me called Champagne for the Soul. You know those people in your life that you can't imagine not being there, but could have so easily missed if the circumstances weren't just right? Well, Kim is one of them. Kim works for a business that rented space to the ministry my mom directed for years. That is how we met and how we stay connected is all God. Kim, my mom and many other ladies (and the occasional gent) met weekly for prayer. Over the years they have prayed hundreds if not thousands of us through school, relationships, moves, ministries, babies etc. I am so grateful for their place in my life and for thinking of me no matter which country I live in! Kim read my blog and decided I needed to read Champagne for the Soul, so she bought me a copy, wrote me cute little notes to open as I read and mailed me a package. How's that for a "sentence" on what I am learning!

I am anticipating: sleeping in tomorrow morning.

I am eating: I just came home from a cook - out with our Bible Study group. Hot dogs. I can stand them about once a year.

I am watching: My daughter turn into a kid.

I am grateful for: My husband. I really think I got the best one out there. Sorry ladies!


  1. I am so happy you get to sleep in! It is such a gift! Also by the way I am pretty sure I have got the best husband...but I do think you too picked a pretty good one. God is the perfect match maker...good thing we were listening to his guidance!


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