Time for a Report

June Joys

* It's warm! I love spending as much time outside as possible.

Jared and I enjoying a park bench while Norah plays at the playground

Busy Playing

Happy Mom

* Our naturally cool basement for when it just gets too hot outside

* We finally bought dressers. A lot of our furniture has come from kijiji - it is a craigslist-type site here in Red Deer. 1 large dresser and two end tables for $100!

* My daughter is getting goofy. I like it.

* I really enjoy having my sister-in-law nearby.

* Father's day was such a great reminder of how amazing my husband is and how lucky I am to have my dad in my life.

* We went to the Collicutt Center and Norah went down a little water-slide by herself! She is so big and so confident.

*I am really enjoying our cloth diaper business. I went to the farmer's market with our wares and it was really a good morning. It is enjoyable largely in part because I share it all with Chantrelle. I don't think it would be half as fun without someone to share it with.

Chantrelle and I with our Diapers

* I had a dream that Jesus came back. It was so real (except maybe the dove carrying me by my head part) and I was so excited. I was clapping on the way up saying, "I am ready, I am ready." I have to admit that in the back of my mind, even in my dream, I was sad about leaving Earth.

* An old friend received a double lung transplant last week. God is so faithful.

* California roles. Yum.

* I found a pair of comfortable high heals in size 11. And they are cute. They will be perfect for my brother's wedding.


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