Take that Fisher Price!

Norah has a favorite new toy. I got it at Costco. It's a box. I believe its original purpose was to house a few large bags of shredded cheddar cheese; she uses it as her own personal mini-couch. I could watch her back into her new "chair" all day. It is so cute how she makes her way over on wobbly legs and then turns around at the last minute and slowly tries to sit inside the box without having it scoot back out of reach. Once inside her box she participates in any number of activites. Sometimes she reads a book, other times her daddy will push her Nascar style around the house, and in this picture she is playing with her other favorite toys: an egg crate (also from Costco), milk jug caps in an old snack container, and a container used to mail posters. Toys shmoys!

Thursday's Joy Report:

* Cheap thrills
* Really good ice cream that my husband went out to get at 9:00 last night
* Tickets purchased to fly home for my brother's wedding
* A fully planted flower bed
* A mother-in-law who watches our baby so that we can enjoy Bible Study without distractions
* A Bible Study group that is incredibly enjoyable and at the same time challenging to my Faith
* Skype
* Pregnant friends (It is really fun to watch a baby grow and wonder what they will be like!)
* Long Norah Naps
* The Red Deer Public Library

Another point for the Joy Blog. Yesterday, Norah was messing in my pantry and managed to pull out a box of pasta, open it and fling all its contents across my floor. First thought: annoying! Second thought: perhaps a joyful mom would teach her daughter how to make a pasta necklace.


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