Oh Wednesday

I woke up grumpy this morning. I wanted to sleep until Norah woke up. I felt tired and figured a sleep-in would do me good....but I couldn't relax because I kept thinking, "She's going to wake-up soon and I won't be ready for the day, and what should we do today" and such nonsense. I chose to get up and have a few minutes to myself . I figured maybe today we would go swimming at the local pool, which I knew would tire her out, and then she would take a long nap, which would be perfect because we have Bible Study tonight and she needs to stay up late. Well. It didn't happen that way. I rolled out of bed, used the bathroom, threw on some sweats ( I was going swimming so would shower later) and crept past her bedroom door only to hear her singing to herself. Blasted. She was up early. In that moment I knew:

1 - I am not getting time by myself
2 - Because she is up early, she will need to nap right around free swim time at the local pool
3- Now we are not swimming and I have not showered
4- Waking up early means an early nap means potentially no Bible study for us tonight...

Grumpy. I started complaining to Jared who offered to go give her a few books in her crib on his way out the door so I could still shower. I mumbled something to him like, "Ok, fine - have a good day." What I really was thinking was, "Why are you so nice to me when I am grumpy and mean to you? She'll probably just cry when you give her books and leave her which will be even worse. I know I said I was going to work on my joyful attitude - don't you dare bring it up! And yea, have a great day in the outside world you lucky person who gets to leave this house everyday."

I showered. Granted it was a 2 minute mom-shower, but I showered. I got dressed, headed into Norah's room and found her sitting up in just a huge cloth diaper and cute stripy flower shirt reading her books with a big grin on her face. Melt.

Ok, my life isn't that bad. "Should we go have breakfast Peanut?"


  1. You write using such realistic dialogue and visual imagery that I feel I am seeing a part of your life. That is fun!

    I like this blog and its purpose!


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